Thursday, February 7, 2008

Refreshing the Tree of Liberty

Please respond to this post by class on Monday 2/11. Enjoy the weekend! -- EJOlson

Explain what Jefferson meant when he asserted that "the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." What is the meaning of this statement for the current generation of Americans?

Saturday, February 2, 2008

A Question of Liberty

I apologize for the late post. The school's server was down all day. Please answer the question below with a thoughtful answer. Please reply by 12:00PM on Sunday 2/3.

Why, if one is concerned with protecting human liberty, would one want to make the legislative branch of government dominant (rather than the executive or judicial)? Are there good reasons why someone concerned with liberty would distrust a strong executive? A powerful judiciary? Is liberty most often threatened by (a) powerful political elites who escape public control or (b) a majority intent on imposing its will on a minority? Which of these cases would lead one to favor a strong legislative branch?


Friday, February 1, 2008

Reading about the Constitution

Please read about seven (7) pages each day Friday through Monday. Take detailed notes and be prepared to participate during lecture and discussion this coming Tuesday through Thursday. Additionally, we will view a video on Monday and take a mini-exam on Friday during class.


The Articles of Confederation (1st constitution)
The Constitution of the United States (2nd constitution)
Federalists Papers (pro-constitution)
Anti-Federalists (pro-Bill of Rights)